Six years ago one of our major colocation Data Centre customers moth-balled one of their UPS supply streams as part of a cost saving exercise. The system has been dormant since, but with increased Data Centre usage due to Covid, the system needed to be put back into service. With such a long period of downtime, a full sequence of testing was needed to ensure that the system was still fit for purpose.

With the system running for the first time in years, Team TEGG analysed the entire supply path from incoming transformers to the recently-replaced batteries. A total of five Dranetz PX5 monitors were connected to the upstream and output supplies to measure voltage and load levels along with distortion and waveform deviation during the multiple transfers needed to ensure compliance.

After three days of comprehensive and exhaustive testing a full report on the condition of the system was delivered with several immediate issues being highlighted to the client.

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Using the non-intrusive ultrasound probe, Team TEGG discovered 'tracking' coming from the internal HV cabling on a cast resin transformer. The client was completely unaware of the fault as it had never been detected on standard tests. The potential catastrophic nature of a transformer failure could have been both costly and embarrassing for data centre operations. There was also a huge concern for personnel safety in the event of such failure and proximity of staff at the time. 
On the client’s request, the fault was immediately passed from Team TEGG to Team Critical, where a job was raised and the fault rectified as quickly as possible. 

Other issues highlighted:

  • Poor Connections on Batteries
  • High Levels of Harmonic Distortion

The value of TEGG testing was immediately realised and the client now wishes to complete annual maintenance and regular TEGG monitoring and surveys.

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  • Client
    Private Client
  • Value
  • Duration
    4 Weeks
  • Location

Teams Involved